Installing VCenter 6.5

Reading Time: < 1 minute

In this segment we will discuss installing VCenter for VMware. This should be little more than a Next, Next, Finish segment. When reviewing VMware/VCenter the entire series might seen as Installing VMware; VCenter; basic early maintenance and setup.

I would recommend having a few things in line and setup before beginning. When deploying VCenter it is best (even if you are starting from a blank lab) to have a few things ready and present. I would suggest making sure you have reviewed your setup requirements and information in advance and have your answers prepared. This will have you from having to stop and restart. In this case I would recommend having a name decided; networking information selected; and DNS prepared in advance. You can address some items like certificates at a later date – if at all.

Installing VCenter 6.5 on most commodity hardware and in general takes about 40 minutes.

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